For I will restore health to you And I will heal
your wounds,’ says the LORD, ‘Because they have called you an outcast,
saying: “This is Zion; no one seeks her and no one cares for her.

Jeremiah 30:17 (AMP)

The devil often takes our experiences of rejection and manipulates them into an irrational fear that God is indifferent to how we feel, like those who hurt us are. This fear harms us because it is a lie that contradicts the truth. Satan knows our weaknesses and seeks to control us through our emotions, thoughts, and actions. So, what can we do when we feel brokenhearted? We must turn to the Lord God, our healer, for He is near us, especially in emotional pain. Our part is to believe that He sees us and will bring healing to our wounded hearts.

Our Lord Jesus faced rejection from family, religious leaders, and those he called his closest followers. On the cross, He faced mockers and many who sneered at him with no sympathy for the horrendous pain He endured. Jesus forgave those who rejected Him and moved forward, knowing His Father would heal all His wounds. Scripture tells us that healing can be ours because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. Emotional healing starts with forgiving those who have hurt us. We must release the pain rather than hold onto it. 

We believe in a kind and loving Father God who wishes to heal us and restore our well-being. Our physical health often links to the health of our souls. Letting go of hurtful words and untrue accusations can be difficult, but we must remember that nothing is impossible for God. If we ask for His help and guidance with faith, He will grant us the grace to completely forgive those who have wronged us. His grace is always enough to sustain us, even through the most challenging circumstances in life.